Homecrest Foundation
Homecrest  Foundation

Contact Information




Postal address

PO Box 893

Wilmette, IL  60091






OUR MISSION:  To provide benevolent assistance to senior Christian Scientists in need for their residential living costs in the State of Illinois.

mnTo provide benevolent assistance to senior Christian Scientists in need for their residential living
costs in the State of Illinois.
To provide benevolent assistance to senior Christian Scientists in need for their residential living
costs in the State of Illinois.
To provide benevolent assistance to senior Christian Scientists in need for their residential living
costs in the State of Illinois.

Please consider a donation to Homecrest Foundation


Homecrest needs your help to fulfill our mission.


Please send your check, payable to Homecrest Foundation to:


Homecrest Foundation

Attention: Maria Freeman, Treasurer

PO Box 893

Wilmette, IL  60091


Or click on the Donate button on the next page (History tab) to make a one time or recurring donation.

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© Homecrest Foundation